Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Software quality: higher quality IS better productivity!

As I stated in a previous post the higher quality is better, this article certainly agrees with my premise that higher quality is more productive. But only you can be the judge of your own endeavors.

But the premise still stands. In my job, I tackle customer issues that not only I make but everyone that affects what I work with. That means that each time I have to address a mistake, problem, or trouble spot from FEDEX to Accounting to Tech Support it takes away from my primary job: making sales! So the next time you see a mistake, just consider how many sales are lost because of that one mistake. You don't have to be perfect, but you have to be close.

Along this same line, it's been shown that Linux is still high on the quality index compared with other operating systems, per Linux Code Grows as Defects Decline article.

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