Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Buy Macs now before Mactel happens in Jun 2006

Ok, I really enjoy reading Doc Searls articles, especially his User Management Inside comments which describes Intel's and Apple's (and probably Microsoft as well) focus on Digital Rights Management (DRM for short). This is technology at the chip level that will probably prevent the average computer user to do things with a legal copies of content that they own. Read the article, then you may probably agree that it might be best if you're considering buying a Mac that you buy the pre-Mactel Macs. If you want to know more about DRM, see Free software and digital rights management: Bitter enemies or strange bedfellows? to get a more detailed analysis.

Only time will tell, but be forewarned, I'd seriously considering buying a Mac before the Mactels come to market. The average user will not know the difference or the reasons why, but only the techies can articulate what best to do or not to do. This is a chance for them to speak out what the average computer user should or should not do to things that take away "fair use" of content and the technology that prevents this from happening. Speak up geeks!!

See here for updated comments.


Kevin Cullis said...

Not interested.

Kevin Cullis said...

An update to my thoughts about Mactels, Apple using Intel chips in their computers next year. It seems that this might not be right. Here's a comment about it here