Monday, December 18, 2006

How the Koran treats women

You know, if American women would wisen up to what Islam teaches about women they just might want to send the Muslims back to the Middle East. Women, is that what you want in America as described by the Koran:

* If a Muslim woman is murdered, her beneficiary is entitled to one-half dyyeh-blood money, or compensation-as that of a murdered Muslim male.

* A woman's testimony in the court of law is worth one-half that of a man.

* A woman must provide four witnesses to substantiate her claim of being raped.

* A man can divorce his wife by simply saying to her, "I divorce you," three times.

* A divorced woman is entitled to a miserly compensation and automatically forfeits her rights to her children.

* Women are barred from the lucrative and powerful cast of clergy.

* Husbands are entitled to punish their wives corporally.

* Men are allowed to have four wives at any one time and as many concubines as they desire and can afford.

If you want to read more, read it here

What do you think? Are you willing to put up with that?

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