Sunday, April 30, 2006

Who owns your data?

One of the things that has bothered me is the fact that as Stephen Nipper writes in "Five things I would do differently if I started blogging today"> that most "free" things are not free, but can be costlly if you allow them the "free" part to continue if things ever get bigger than you considered it.

His first online comments about blogging is "portability, portability, portability" of which I say data retention, data retention, data retenion!! So the question becomes: who hosts or owns your data? If you read Stephen's comments about trying to get his data out of his blog hosting, it basically gone. Same with any other hosting company that web hosts your information. So, if you're a company that uses a web hosting of your data, I'd be very wary of how has the data versus who owns the data. Data now becomes a property thing and if someone hosts your data, someone else can get access to it without your knowledge or input.


Celestino. said...

Most things considered "free", actually ain't free.
_ Fortunately, blogspot doesn't charge anything for posting.

Kevin Cullis said...

No, but based on Stephen's comment about getting data out of his blog, it costs time to recreate what he did in the past. So, there actually IS a cost, but not in money, only in time. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Yes, you're absolutely right. _ The cost is in time. . . . and energy.