Monday, October 23, 2006

Looking at Two Different Islams

When you read this article "Between the Owner of Grameen [Bank] and Bin Laden" that was posted today, it makes you wonder about the true Islam. It also makes you wonder about America.

From one point of view bin Ladin wants the power to control everyone and get them under his thumb while Yunus, who recently won the Noble Peace prize for creating micro loans to poor people, wants to free and empower his people to better themselves and allow them to "own their own pond" rather than just be given a fish or even better yet to learn how to fish. But one thing is interesting: the liberal attitude in America about spending money on education rather than the military is being sent, or at least acknowledged, but those in the Third World.

But the difference between America's military and bin Laden's is: bin Laden wants to control you through force and threats, America's military is mostly defensive unless provoked.

America, don't lose the faith at this time during our election about President Bush and his direction. We'll win in the long run.

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