Thursday, August 31, 2006

Want to get a glimpse of Hell? This isn't a joke.......

When you read of what all of the Islamic extremists are doing to the average person the world, much like the Fox News crew got with their "forced" conversion, people don't realize that even the "good" by our standards "Muslims, Jews, and Christians" will have a rude awakening if they die without knowing who Jesus Christ is.

Bill Wiese has had such an experience of what Hell is like.

The real question is: let's say you don't believe it and it's not real. Good, then!! You have nothing to worry about.

But what if it IS real? Where do you stand? Do you carry around a rabbit's foot, Christian cross, or even a Jewish Star of David around your neck to protect you from it?

Read this article. You'll find Judgement there, but more importantly you'll find Love!! God's Love for you and me and the rest of the world.

I pray that you'll listen and not pass this by as an afterthought.


Anonymous said...

Don't trust this guy nor anybody else who claimed to have had visions of eternal hell, believe me. The word hell did not originate, but it was called Gehenna, a garbage place outside of Jerusalem where Jewish people sacrificed their children and throw dead bodies of criminals in the fire. If you read on Jeremiah chapter 7 verse 31 says that God did not command it, it never came to his heart, and also said that people's fear towards him came from the precepts of men(Isaiah 29:13). Jesus warned that in the future, many would come in his name, preaching counterfeit gospels(Mark 13:6,22, Galatians 1:9) deceiving others and that they would appear in sheep's clothing, but like raven wolves inwardly(Matthew 7:15) and many are deceived today. God said throughout his book that the ungodly are eradicated(Malachi 4:1-3, Obadiah 1:16, Ezekiel 18:4, John 8:51, Matthew 10:28, 2 Peter 3:10, Psalm 37:10, Isaiah 47:14, Matthew 3:12) not tormented forever like it is commonly taught, only those who commit to Jesus will be given immortality(1 John 2:17, 2 Timothy 1:10) and the spiritualised concept of a soul inhabiting a body is also unbiblical, the belief came from a guy named Plato The book of Revelation is mostly figurative. The idea of everlasting hell did not come from God, but from Satan and man. It is blasphemy, because to think that God will torture people for eternity is slandering him and givin Christianity bad name, because God is love(1 John 4:8) and a consuming fire(Hebrews 12:29) and there's not a place anywhere in the universe separated from him (Psalm 139:7-8) and his children will have the earth as an inheritance(Matthew 5:5, Revelation 5:9-10, Psalm 37:11,22,29, Proverbs 10:30) not heaven at death or rapture. Get into the Scriptures like never before and stay away from man-made doctrines. It's not what you really think.

Kevin Cullis said...

Ok, let's take a look at what you wrote. Jer 7:331 states what? That the burning of their sons and daughters did NOT come into God's thoughts, i.e. they had become so evil that they burned their sons and daughters and God would not think about this type of action. But then what do you think about God causing the world to be killed except for 8 people, Noah and his family!!! God does allow people to die, but a lot has to do with our choices.

As far as Revelation, the problem with your comment is that the approach to Revelation as you talk about, the spiritualization or figurative view of it's information, was NOT taught by the Apostles or the 1st Century Church but this idea came about in how the Bible is interpreted. It moved from a literal interpretation, the correct and most accurate interpretation, to an allegorical interpretation, hence the problems the allegorical interpretation started many of the problems in today's Christian church. See Literal Interpretation of Bible Prophecy: Help or Hinderance? for a more detailed analysis of this issue. You can also see Pre-Trib Perspectives Articles for additional information. Bottom line, you have to ask yourself one question: who is right? If the allegorical is right, then both you and I am safe. BUT, if the literal is correct, then you're up the creek!! If there is a Hell, don't you want to make sure you don't go?

Anonymous said...

I told you that God is a consuming fire and the unredeemed will not survive his presence
The last book(Revelation) is packed with many symbols, that's what I'm talking about, not the rest of the book, there's some that are symbolic. Please do not be deceived, because Satan is currently the god of this world(2 Corinthians 4:4) and likes to blind people and turn them away from God and will be replaced by Jesus Christ. Seek him with all your heart and he will reveal the truth to you(Jeremiah 33:3).

Kevin Cullis said...

First, I'm not deceived. I took a look at your web link and the info that is presented is all over the place, including the graphic in the middle regarding the "Second Coming" and the "Third Coming". A much more accurate view of dispensations is located here This is one of the most accurate, other than reading Tim LaHaye's book "Charting the End Times" is a more colorful depiction. Yes, Satan is the god of the earth until the Rapture, 7 Year Tribulation, and finally the Second Coming followed by the esetablishment of Jesus Christ's Millenium Kingdom, as depicted in the book of Revelation.

Anonymous said...

There will be no rapture, that belief was invented by a Scotsman back in the 1800s. Jesus prayed to his Father not to take them out of the world(John 17:15) but to protect them from the evil one and on Proverbs 10:30 says the godly will never be removed. You need to reconsider. Don't buy into man-made beliefs.

Kevin Cullis said...

Sorry, but there will be a Rapture. Why is there so much written in the book of Revelation? Why does it take up so much space? Why is it so detailed? Because IT WILL HAPPEN, and SOON, as compared with the last 2000 years or so.

Take a read at a good link covering the very issues I'm talking about. Or, see the whole Rapture Ready web site for a complete description.

Lastly, Anon, here's the real clincher for you: "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts. And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation" (2 Pet 3:3-4).