Well, I've passed the 22,000 words on my book about the SMB market with computers. Whew! As I was reading "The Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker the one thing that he states hit home. He states that rich people are bigger than their problems while poor people are smaller than their problems. Good stuff! I need to keep reminding myself of this while I write this book. I'm bigger than this book, I'm bigger than this book.
The other part I liked was his quote of Richard Kiyosaki's comment that Richard is recognized as a best SELLING author, not a best WRITING author. Same goes here. My writing is to show my thinking processes, not my writing skills. Thinking from a process point of view is my talent, writing is a skill.
Saw on CSPAN Thomas Freidman discuss his new book "The World's Flat" oday during the National Governor's Association Conference which discussed education and technology and about how the various technologies and events in the world's history have flattened the world so that we're now at a global tipping point that there, in my view as
well, is now going to be an new economy this century that will be far and away the most dominant compared with recent growths. After reading Eker's book, I want to be at that point as well.
Off the take a rest from writing and reading for more research.
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