Monday, March 26, 2007

Wireless Security: the straight scoop!!

When it comes to wireless security and you visit to see 70% of the over 9,000,000 unsecured wireless access points around the world. But what are users suppose to do?

See here for more information

Now let me see what I need to do to my WAP?

MSM killer app among us?

Since the release of Apple TV we've got a number of analysts that are discussing the disruptiveness of new technologies. Once such person wrote about where the Apple TV fits into the content and broadband pipeline. Very interesting thoughts and analysis. With the end result that the MSM will die a slow death!

I love disruptive technologies.

But ......

The MSM will look for a way to "lock in" viewers to control what we see and when.

But ....

Disruptive technologies are here to stay!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

New Child Martyr or Child Abuse?

How does this picture of a little girl wrapped in camo dress and a bomb vest strike you?

Monday, March 19, 2007

What does "Supporting the Troops Mean?"

What do you think Support the Troops mean to you?

Thomas Sowell does an excellent job of getting through the thick of things.

Having served in the USAF for 13 years, supporting the troops is about not undercutting their efforts or handcuffing them so that they can't win!! Winning shortens any war not matter what war you're waging.

"Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country." General George Patton

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Personal Opinion in Public Policy

Ok, now I've heard it all. Sen. Clinton now states that personal opinions should not affect public policy

Here's Sen. Clinton's comments: "I disagree with what he said and do not share his (Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Peter Pace's controversial comment) view, plain and simple" and "It is inappropriate to inject such personal views into this public policy matter, especially at a time in which there are young men and women in such grave circumstances in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and around the world"
What a load of crap!!

First, you are ALWAYS going to get personal views injected into public policy ANYTIME you discuss any topic, so now is as good a time as any.

And, by the way, personal opinion will always affect public policy no matter when or where you define it, so this is a load of crap!!!

Monday, March 12, 2007

A view of Iraq: the most accurate and correct view!!!

There is nothing more important than to hear a reporter giving an accurate and correct response to the War in Iraq and to discount what the MSM is "reporting" to us in America.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Terrorist "Dry Runs" on US airlines just the tip of the iceberg of things to come!!

When you read Terrorists “Dry Runs” Keep Coming at Us, DHS Confirms by Annie Jacobson you get a cold chill up your neck, but that's only if you aren't aware of what's going on and are keeping your head under the sand. But then, as a Christian that knows that the "End of the Church Age is near!!" is really what this is all about based on numerous Bible verses that outline these things will happen and increase in intensity, duration, and number in the World.

Only a few numbers of Christians believe that things are getting so bad that "The End of This Age is Near!!" and believe that the last few years after 9/11 that this is a wakeup call for Believers to announce these issues just like Noah did. Most of those that lived during his time did not believe him and perished with the rising tide of the world wide flood. Then the whole world was devasted by the Flood, but after the Rapture most of the world will be killed by a number of catastophes.

The Church Age is nearing it's end, It could end tomorrow, next week, next year, or even in the next 20 years or so, but you can not deny that things are "lining up" for the Rapture to occur.

Are you a believer? You need to be so you can miss out on this terrible ending of this age. God Loves You.!!! Read John 3:16.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Making Lemonade from Lemons, or Manure from Scat

This Mini-Microsoft, Steve Jobs' Secret Diary, and a Potential New YouTube is one of the most appropriate approach to employees that I see most managers need to get a grip with:

If there is criticism, there must be actionable recommendations. I actually think "Mini-Microsoft," in general, does a rather nice job of this. The author does seem to generally consider the implications of what he is criticizing and discusses action items. In most cases, when I see posts like this, they are constant rants. Rants are just annoying, and I've never seen them accomplish much of anything.

To any executives who, rightly, are incredibly concerned about this practice: Having employees who care enough about a company to actually and consistently put their jobs at risk is incredibly rare, and having someone who appears to have the actual breadth of knowledge and capability to do this well is rarer still. I know, because I used to run teams that were supposed to be made up of folks like this -- and let me tell you, they are both really hard to find and incredibly valuable.

Chances are, anyone doing something like this right now will eventually get fired. Were that individual embraced instead -- sanctioned, but then given a more appropriate and effective podium -- I think her or she could make a huge positive contribution. The lesson for management is this: Don't lose an important asset simply because you can't find or use it properly -- or because you have your head up your ass.

This is about making a difference, and that goal should be top and center for executives and managers as well as the grunts who actually do the work.

As I see it, it's about trying to make a difference in where you work, not entrenchment to keep your job or anyone elses. It's about moving your business forward solving business problems that your customers bring to you.

But here's the crux: There are three ways advice is received: taken, pondered and acted upon; ignored; or fought. An employee blog can fix the "ignored" problem, but because executives resent the method, the blog may set up barriers to improvement -- blocking employees who are trying to do the same things by conventional means.

The real question, especially if there is a blog about a certain situation is why? The reason: No one in leadership is listening!! Or if they are, they have not communicated what they WILL do about it or setting up a priority of getting things fixed.

It's not different than the Walter Reed Hospital care, or for that matter care-less!! It's about the process, stupid!! It's about listening to your customer!!! It's about leadership owning the problems and the top of the leadership not creating an atmosphere of fear is problems are uncovered by those below.