Friday, December 29, 2006

John Nelson Darby's view of rich and poor

I 100% agree with Darby's comment about the rich and poor:

Darby was kind and humble in nature and his compassion and generosity towards the poor was without bounds. He observed that "Christ preferred the poor; ever since I have been converted so have I. Let those who like society better have it. If I ever get into it . . . I return sick at heart. I go to the poor; I find the same evil nature as in the rich, but I find this difference: the rich, and those who keep their comforts and their society, judge and measure how much of Christ they can take and keep without committing themselves; the poor, how much of Christ they can have to comfort them in their sorrows. That, unworthy as I am, is where I am at home and happy."

Nothing can be more truthful about the rich and poor view of Jesus Christ. It's not about what you keep, it's about what you do with what you've been given.

If you want to know more about John Darby, take a read here. The reason why he is so revered is because his emphasis was on Jesus Christ, not his own ministry, just like John the Baptist's and Moses: Jesus Christ is who is emphasized!!!

It is not about me, though, but it is about He, Jesus Christ!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Bethlehem, formerly Christian and the birth place of Jesus, is now mostly Muslim

As stated in this article, "The town's Christian population has dwindled from more than 85 per cent in 1948 to 12 per cent of its 60,000 inhabitants in 2006."

and ...

"There are reports of religious persecution, in the form of murders, beatings and land grabs.

Meanwhile, the breakdown in security is putting off tourists, leading to economic hardship for Christians, who own most of the town's hotels, restaurants and souvenir shops. ...

The town, according to the Cardinal, is being 'steadily strangled'.

The sense of a creeping Islamic fundamentalism is all around in Bethlehem."

The time for the Rapture is getting closer and closer, will you be left behind? Will you be here to face the Billions of deaths that will occur during the Seven Year Tribulation that Muslims THINK they are working for God? Will you face the consequences of your actions during this period of time as the Muslims, who think they are acting for God, will burn in Hell just like Satan and will gladly behead you during this period of time?

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Senator Boxer Rescinds "Certificate of Achievement" to CAIR

Finally, some sense from Senator Boxer. she takes back an "Certificate of Achievement award for the organization CAIR (The Council on American-Islamic Relations) for it's ties to terrorists. In fact, the press release states

"Former officials from CAIR are currently in prison, serving time for terrorist-related crimes involving Hamas and Al-Qaeda. In fact, CAIR can thank Mousa Abu Marzook, the second in command of Hamas today, for its very existence."

Now, what's next to tackle to rid America of these victims? Let's first start deporting those that that don't belong. Second, trying tightening up our borders. Third, getting Iragi-American's to done some military uniforms and go fight the terrorists just like the Japanese-Americans did during WWII, etc.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Snowed In

This is what it looks like outside my door. It is a long way to get to my car in order to see how far i have to be prepared for going to work tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the Red Star of David

You all know about the Red Cross, and you probably know about the Red Cross and Red Crescent, but were you aware of the Red Star of David, also known as Mogen David Adom?

Send donations to help Israel with emergency funds, etc.

What saying Merry Christmas and others mean to me

I work with the public and there has been a lot of commentary recently about whether one that works for or with the public should say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, or some other form of holiday greeting. But what most people are not realizing is that when I say Merry Christmas it is MY expression to YOU of what I wish for YOU! It is MY gift to You!

When I say Merry Christmas it is because that is what I celebrate and I'd like you to have a Merry Christmas, too! It's my expression to you, but guess what? You do not have to receive it, just as if I offer you a gift, encouragement, or even a compliment, you do NOT have to accept it, you can politely turn it down or say nothing at all. And I would not be bothered by it other than wondering if things are not going well with you and maybe I could help.

On the other hand, if you are Jewish and respond to my Merry Christmas with Happy Hanukkah I consider that your comment is YOUR expression of what you believe in and I'm not offended by it. In fact, if you responded with a Happy Hanukkah after my Merry Christmas then I'd be more than happy to say "Thank You" for expressing your faith to me.

So, in the future, if you are offended by my saying Merry Christmas, and I think you'd be the minority, then don't say anything at all and just walk away. Or better yet, say what postive message you'd return so that I can participate in your good tidings.

Oh, here's a link to 350 ways to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and those around you.

Monday, December 18, 2006

How the Koran treats women

You know, if American women would wisen up to what Islam teaches about women they just might want to send the Muslims back to the Middle East. Women, is that what you want in America as described by the Koran:

* If a Muslim woman is murdered, her beneficiary is entitled to one-half dyyeh-blood money, or compensation-as that of a murdered Muslim male.

* A woman's testimony in the court of law is worth one-half that of a man.

* A woman must provide four witnesses to substantiate her claim of being raped.

* A man can divorce his wife by simply saying to her, "I divorce you," three times.

* A divorced woman is entitled to a miserly compensation and automatically forfeits her rights to her children.

* Women are barred from the lucrative and powerful cast of clergy.

* Husbands are entitled to punish their wives corporally.

* Men are allowed to have four wives at any one time and as many concubines as they desire and can afford.

If you want to read more, read it here

What do you think? Are you willing to put up with that?

Friday, December 08, 2006

Jeane Kirkpatrick, RIP, her 1984 speech to Republican Convention as a Democrat

Jeane Kirkpatrick's death today is sad for America because we've lost a very smart lady. But here's a speech she gave in 1984 that gives light to how far down the slippery slope we've gone. Here's what she started speech with:

Thank you very much for that warm welcome.

Thank you for inviting me.

This is the first Republican Convention I have ever attended.

I am grateful that you should invite me, a lifelong Democrat. On the other hand, I realize that you are inviting many lifelong Democrats to join this common cause.

I want to begin tonight by quoting the speech of the president whom I very greatly admire, Harry Truman, who once said to the Congress:

"The United States has become great because we, as a people, have been able to work together for great objectives even while differing about details."

He continued:

"The elements of our strength are many. They include our democratic government, our economic system, our great natural resources. But, the basic source of our strength is spiritual. We believe in the dignity of man."

That's the way Democratic presidents and presidential candidates used to talk about America.

Twenty two years and we're still going down this route.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Hollywood and Islamic terrorists

It has come to some people's attention that Hollywood is completely out of touch with reality in the world and is so PC that it "just doesn't get it".

Now take a look at what was televised on an arab speaking TV station: An interview with the Saudi government-appointed executioner for Mecca. The interview aired on the Lebanese LBC TV on November 4, 2006

The REAL analysis of the outcome of the 2006 election

There is nothing better than watching a good "down home" analysis of what happened to the GOP and the Dems in the 2006 Election. It's a wake up call for sure, but will the GOP hit the snooze button?

Open Document Format is now an ISO standard

Located here is the information regarding the ratification of Open Document Format (ODF) as an ISO standard 26300.2006. This is a great deal for governments such as the state of Massachusetts where it is in a broil of a fight with Microsoft over this very thing. From the web site, I quote:

Carol Sliwa at ComputerWorld has a hat trick of excellent stories just now on ODF in Massachusetts, based on over 300 emails secured under the Massachusetts Public Records Law (the local analogue of the Federal Freedom of Information Act), as well as research into lobbying records and reports. The longest and in some ways most intriguing article focuses on Microsoft's lobbying efforts in Massachusetts, and on State CIO Louis Gutierrez's efforts to counter those efforts. One of the two shorter articles (they will appear as side bars in the print issue) provides details on the various individuals - both Democrat and Republican - as well as associations that Microsoft hired in the last two years to work both sides of the aisle in Massachusetts. The third and final article reports more narrowly on Massachusetts' decision in the summer of 2005 not to approve Microsoft's XML formats as an open standards.

Open is always better.

Spirit of America in Iraq

Here's some good being done in Iraq WITHOUT the MSMs help in getting the word out. Every little bit helps those that are in need.

What Liberal don't get

This defines liberals perfectly:

Proverbs 18:2-3: A fool finds no pleasure in understanding, but delights in airing his own opinions. When wickedness comes, so does contempt, and with shame comes disgrace.

You can read more abou it here.

Have you ever noticed the contempt liberals have to conservatives and others that are not as "educated" as they are?